
张小燕, 白茗洲, 彭德镇, 孔令杰, 杨柏云*
南昌大学生命科学与食品工程学院, 南昌330031

通信作者:杨柏云;E-mail: yangboyun@163.com;Tel: 0791-3969519

摘 要:

收稿:2009-09-16   修定:2009-10-28


Asepsis Sowing and Rapid Propagation of Coelogyne fimbriata Lindl.

ZHANG Xiao-Yan, BAI Ming-Zhou, PENG De-Zhen, KONG Ling-Jie, YANG Bo-Yun*
School of Life Sciences and Food Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China

Corresponding author: YANG Bo-Yun; E-mail: yangboyun@163.com; Tel: 0791-3969519


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